Participating Processional Groups - Kroningsfeesten Tongeren
JULY 7/9/12/14 2030


The Coronation Procession and Coronation Evening Play consists of eighteen scenes. These eighteen scenes are formed by 21 different procession groups. Each procession group has its own group leader.

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In clothing and flags, this group of young people symbolizes the simple, understated, yet so festive nature of the procession.
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Onbevlekte Ontvangenis

This group refers to the birth of Mary and to the Church dogma of Mary's Immaculate Conception in the womb of her mother Anna. From her earliest beginnings, Mary received from God a special freedom and receptivity.
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The angel Gabriel brings to Mary the message that she will become the mother of God's Son.
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Mary visits her cousin Elisabeth, who is also miraculously expecting a baby. The "Bezoek" group allows Mary's relatives and friends to share in this joyous encounter.
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Engelen van de Geboorte

The largest group of the procession depicts the birth of Jesus. This group is formed by angels and shepherds together . They pay homage to the baby.
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The largest group of the procession depicts the birth of Jesus. This group is formed by angels and shepherds together . They pay homage to the baby.
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Mary and Joseph go to the temple with their firstborn son to dedicate Him - faithful to the Jewish Law - to the Lord. Simeon blesses them and Hanna speaks prophetic words.
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During their pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Mary and Joseph have lost their son. They find Jesus among the scribes in "his Father's house."
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Jesus begins His public life. He says goodbye to His mother Mary and chooses His apostles among the fishermen who accompany Him.
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During the wedding feast, Jesus turns water into wine at the request of His mother Mary. The wine miracle at Cana symbolizes all of Jesus' life: where the Old Covenant has been watered down, He brings the wine of the New Covenant.
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Roman soldiers announce the crucifixion of Jesus. Mary and her companions accompany Jesus during his painful Calvary journey, among the soldiers and the noisy people.
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Mary and her companions accompany Jesus during His painful Calvary journey, among the Roman soldiers and the rowdy people. Mary stands close to Him in His difficult moments.
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An angel proclaims to Mary and her companions the resurrection of Jesus. Then the apostles and the people also receive the glad tidings.
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After the resurrection and Ascension of Jesus, Mary and the apostles wait anxiously. On Pentecost, they are inspired by the Holy Spirit. Mary and the apostles become the first Christians. With joy and without fear, they carry Jesus' message throughout the world.
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After a life of service to God and man, Mary is taken up to heaven glorified. As heavenly Mother, she speaks for us to God.
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The relics refer to the saints who have gone before us. In the relic display lies the origin of the Tongeren seven-yearly pilgrimages of sanctuaries.
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The procession group "Zingende Maagden" was founded in 1911 by Edmond Jaminé. He also composed the beautiful procession songs that are still sung today. While singing and waving, homage is paid to Mary, Cause of Our Joy.
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The "Koninklijke Harmonie Concordia" was founded in 1874. For more than 50 years they have provided the regular accompaniment of the "Zingende Maagden" procession group at Tongeren processions, as well as participating in processions at home and abroad.
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This is the oldest group in the Coronation Procession. It existed already in 1904. These noble boys carry gifts, referring to the gifts and treasures that have been brought to the church of Tongeren since the Middle Ages.
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In 1479, the archconfraternity of Our Lady had the statue of Our Lady Cause of Our Joy carved. The statue was crowned on Aug. 31, 1890. The centuries-old statue of grace of Our Lady is accompanied by an honour guard of Tongeren priests, the archconfraternity and KSA Honour Guard.
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Deacons carry the Gospel Book. The Blessed Sacrament is carried in the procession by several bishops and accompanied by altar boys, church and civic dignitaries.
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Koninklijke Harmonie Ons Verlangen Beverst

The Royal Brassband "Ons Verlangen" of Beverst has been in existence for 110 years. In that century this harmony has grown into a much sought-after all-round band at home and abroad. Brassband, drum band, clarion corps and bagpipe corps together form a beautiful and unique whole.
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