Coronation Newsletter 08 - April 2022
Welcome to our 8th Coronation Newsletter. If you come to the Grand Place, you can't miss it. Our Basilica is in scaffolding. By Coronation 2023, the repair work on the tower and making it accessible should be finished. With this, our Basilica symbolizes the preparations for Coronation 2023. These, too, are in the scaffolding. On many fronts and with many, we are busy preparing for the celebrations that every Greater Tongan looks forward to for seven years. We wish you much reading pleasure.
Wanted (young) participants
Some of our processional groups find it difficult to do other than recruit only from young people. We are thinking of the Flag Group, the Angels of the Nativity, the Mission, the Noble Knights and the Singing Virgins. We therefore make a warm appeal to young people and their parents to join these groups. We know from experience that board members pay particular attention to the care of the youngest participants both before, during and after the procession. Herewith we also provide an overview of other procession groups that are still enrolling participants.
News from the Coronation Procession Groups
The board members of the Coronation Procession Groups have certainly not been idle in recent months. New members were sought, as well as the right fabric. For the latter, they even went as far as Brussels and deep into the Netherlands. The wagon builders were looking for how to make their wagon sturdy but therefore not heavier. Fitting days and activities were organized to get the necessary money in the box. The material from the previous edition was inspected, polished and updated where necessary. But did you know that
Steven Vromman Thursday, May 5
To explore the different angles of the Coronation theme # search connection deeper exposure, five speakers will be invited as part of a lecture series between March 2022 and January 2023. On Thursday evening, May 5, Steven Vromman will come. He will talk about connecting with nature and ecological behavior change. He brings a compelling story that everyone learns something from. Meanwhile, he is one of the most requested speakers in the
country and devised the "eco-comedy," an original form of infotainment.
A new Coronation year presupposes a new Coronation Flag. That is the Tongan tradition! And it is a good tradition. The processional groups put on new clothes, so why not the street decorations as well. The Coronation Flag 2023 is a gem. It is a flag centered on Mary in connection with the Infant Jesus. Two colors dominate the Coronation Flag : the color gold : sparkles, is festive and radiates warmth and security. In turn, the color Blue symbolizes trust, loyalty, faith, truth and heaven.
Flowers for the Cause of Our Joy
Since time immemorial, Greater Tongres, and many others, have brought flowers to the Cause of Our Joy at the beginning of the month of May. Our Lady among the flowers is a familiar sight in Tongeren in May. Can't bring flowers yourself, no worries : our churchwardens and the Friends of the nativity scene want to do this for you. You can give them in the basilica the money for this. or you can transfer 10 euros per flower to account
Pilgrimage to Mary May 21
Tongeren is known not only as the "oldest or first city of Belgium" but also as the first Marian site north of the Alps. For centuries pilgrims have come to Tongeren to honor Mary. At the Kroningsfeesten in 2009, the initiative was taken to revive the "pilgrimage to Mary. At the close of the Kroningsfeesten, the day of the Light Procession, a pilgrimage was organized during the day from Maastricht. Thus the link was made