Coronation Newsletter 05 - November 2021
Welcome to our 5th Coronation Newsletter. With this newsletter we would like to inform you about the preparations for Coronation 2023. Even though the preparations were disrupted by the coronagraphs until July, a lot has happened since our May newsletter. We wish you much reading and viewing pleasure.
Read the Coronation Magazine
Late October appeared our first Coronation Magazine leading up to the Kroningsfeesten 2023. In this first issue, we look back at the 2016 Coronation Edition and update you on the state of preparations. We show which processional groups you can register with and how to get coronation information (such as flyers and posters). And then there are lots of knew thats. You will also find
Gathering Coronation group tours
Wednesday, Oct. 6 were the board members of the processional groups invited to a second general meeting. More than 100 were present. Besides explaining the workings of the Coronation Committee, it was looking forward to the state of affairs in the procession groups. All the boards have
Day for the new Tongenians
Sunday, Oct. 10 the Coronation Committee, in cooperation with the city council, organized an afternoon for new Tongeren residents. Everyone who came to live in Tongeren after the last Coronation in 2016 was invited. With preparations becoming more and more visible, we felt it was important to inform the new Tongereners about a tradition deeply rooted in Tongeren. Thus, they can better
Coronation-themed lecture series
No one would have imagined when the Coronation Theme 2023 was determined in 2019, it would be so topical today. #Search connection is more topical than ever in the context of all things corona. # search connection wants to be a call to transcend our individual "I," the connection to the
Since March a Coronation Corner has been set up in the Basilica. Visitors and tourists can learn about or reminisce about the 2016 Coronation Procession and Evening Game there. You will also find the new Coronation sticker there. Meanwhile, there is also the Coronation poster "It will be party again. Sticker and poster are available for free at
If you have family members, friends, or acquaintances who no longer live in Tongeren today, but would still like to stay informed about the Kroningsfeesten, point them to our digital newsletter. In 2023, we will organize a Day for Deported Tongans. Out-of-town Tongans may make themselves known for this purpose. We will then provide a personal invitation.